Good boxed coconut milk or any alternative (non-dairy) milk for that matter is hard to find. Many are loaded with gums such as carrageenan or guar gum that can irritate the gut and contain added synthetic vitamins that are best avoided (especially vitamin D2). That's why, if you can find the time, it's a much better idea to just make homemade coconut milk instead. It's pretty quick and easy, especially with my simple recipe.
This homemade coconut milk recipe is perfect for your cereal, granola, coffee, or my personal favorite, my homemade mocha frappe. Go ahead and give it a try, I hope you love it as much as I do!
Just throw all of the above in a blender and blend until smooth. Store in the fridge. It should keep 4-5 days or so, but quite honestly, it never lasts longer than that in my house, because I'm using it daily (sometimes 2x daily) in my homemade mocha frappe (recipe here).
Homemade Coconut Milk
What's your favorite non-dairy milk? Please share in the comments!
Joe Mitchell
I bought a machine to make nut milks, two ingredients, water and whichever nut/seed/bean you want to use, no soaking required. A small amount of nuts can go a long way.