In health, all roads lead to the liver.
You see, your liver has no nerve endings so you're not going to feel pain in your liver when it's not happy.
Instead, you're going to feel things like inflammation, fatigue, leaky gut, low thyroid, gallbladder discomfort and pain in surroundings areas.
This is why:
...your monthly cycle (length, symptoms) is a report card for your liver.
...pregnancy is a stress test on your liver.
...your skin is a mirror into the health of your liver.
...your gut health is a reflection of your liver health.
So, if you feel like your liver is struggling to do its job, you're probably right.
If you're still not sure, here's some more clues:
- History of alcohol/drug use or hepatitis
- Long term prescription drug use
- Sensitive to chemicals (tobacco smoke, fumes, perfume, cleaning agents, etc.)
- Pain between the shoulder blades
- Stomach upset by greasy foods
- Greasy or shiny stools
- History of nausea, motion sickness, or morning sickness
- Light or pale colored stools
- Headache over the eyes
- Gallbladder attacks
- Bitter taste in the mouth (especially after meals)
- Become sick or easily intoxicated if drinking wine
- Easily hung over
- Pain under right side of rib cage
- Hemorrhoids or varicose veins
- NutraSweet (aspartame) consumption
- Chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia
If your liver is speaking to you, what do you do next?
Liver Detoxes and Cleanses
Most people's next step is searching the internet for the best 7-10 day liver detox or cleanse, and this is where the approach really starts to go sideways.
Liver detoxes and cleanses don't work.
It’s like saving money for a week but spending money every other day and expecting to get rich.
A liver detox is like a 'get rich quick scheme' that only drains your wallet.
Liver issues are the result of decades of gentle abuse and repairing that takes a consistent change in habits.
You don't need to do a liver detox; you just need to give your liver less work to do.
Giving your Liver Less Work to Do
Here's some of the most basic work your liver does — are you giving it extra?
- regular metabolic waste (think normal bodily functioning)
- used hormones that have served their purpose and need to be detoxified or flushed out of your system (think your hormones at different points in your menstrual cycle)
- pesticides
- alcohol
- Rx + over the counter drugs (these can injure your liver too)
- heavy metals
- plant toxins from too much ‘health food,’ (think nightshades, high oxalate foods, and caffeine for starters)
- extra supplements that you don’t actually need (these can injure your liver too)
- vitamin A excess (from overdoing dairy and high vitamin A health foods/supplements, topical retinoid skin creams, etc. testing here)
- copper excess (think supplements, nuts and dark chocolate, testing here)
- iron excess
- too much fat
- herbal pills
- and the list goes on!
If you want to see a change in your liver, you just need to consistently give it less work to do than you did yesterday.
It's that simple.
Now what this looks like will largely vary from person to person. It doesn't mean you need to exist on a highly limited diet, you just need to do LESS of certain things over the course of the week, month, and year. Having some data on what from the above list is a problem for you definitely helps narrow your focus and simplify your approach.
Nutrient Deficiencies and Other Considerations
Aside from giving your liver too much work to do, you can also have nutrient deficiencies that keep your liver from doing its best work and doing that work efficiently.
This can look like:
- protein deficiency
- zinc deficiency (testing here)
- taurine deficiency
- molybdenum deficiency (testing here)
- potassium deficiency (testing here)
- chronic constipation
- inadequate calories that slow thyroid function (and detoxification)
Aside from deficiency, nutrient excess is super common due to 'wellness culture,' leading to the liver being overloaded with the following nutrients:
- vitamin A toxicity (testing here)
- copper overload (testing here)
- iron overload (testing here)
This is why I always do a hair tissue mineral analysis test (tests for 35 different minerals and available to clients all over the world) on my clients along with some nutrient blood labs (zinc, copper, iron, vitamin A and whole blood histamine, available to clients in the US only) to identify any weak spots in their own body that could be slowing down the liver's detox work. Learn more about these important labs here (and how to get them no matter where you live!)
Liver issues today are often from a combination of too much work (especially Rx meds, over the counter meds and alcohol), nutrient deficiency, and nutrient excess.
The great news is all of this can change when you change your health approach.
I hope this empowers you to reach your health goals by getting to the root of the problem (hint: your liver) and always giving your body what it needs.
How to take a next step to support your liver
There are many next steps you can take to support your liver as described in this article. For even further assistance, consider one of the following:
- Get hair (available internationally) and blood testing (US only) to get some data on what your body needs for better liver health.
- The DRAIN Detox Method is designed to strategically show you how to give your liver less work to do while helping it detoxify more efficiently without any crazy diets or detox protocols. It's a sane and strategic nutrition method that allows you to still eat the foods you enjoy while making small changes that your body will thank you for! And because so many weight issues are causes by poor liver health, you'll also get instant access to my signature 'How to Align to Weight Loss' masterclass.
- Request a Free 15-minute Consultation to get direction on your specific case.
Recommended reading:
- Two Must-Have Tests for 'Mystery' Symptoms
- 7 Signs of Liver Injury (and what supplements and meds can cause it)
- 3 Ways Wellness Culture is Making You Sick
I love this! It's something you don't see everyday. Normally people either say "Go to the doctor" or "Do a quick Detox" - Thank u for this article - it shows we can do much on our own and that the liver challenges are deeper than what people think - not too complicated - but there's a deeper level to understanding it!
Catherine Crow, NTP
Thanks for the kind words 🙂
Hope it helps!
Good article. What about saunas? Would you recommend that to help detox too? If so is there a brand to buy for home use? Thank you 🙂
Catherine Crow, NTP
Hi Sarah,
Saunas are great, but I find your body's internal detox system a greater priority. Unfortunately, I'm no expert on the best one to buy.