If you make it a point to eat organic and/or real food, you might find that there are some things only you seem to understand. Your friends might find your mindfulness around food a little unnecessary and/or extravagant. Deep down, however, you know it's crucial to vote with your fork for the issues that matter; in this case what's on your plate.
How many of these 14 things only real food eaters understand apply to you?
1) The frustration when you read a research study bashing milk, but actually READ and see that "Michaëlsson and colleagues did not distinguish between low fat and full fat milk." I mean, you can't put raw grass-fed milk and low fat commercial milk in the same category. C'mon people!
2) The rush of rage you feel because GMO foods are the largest experiment on humans ever and it is totally irreversible. Who approves this $%!&?
3) That feeling of disappointment when you see egg yolks that are a sad shade of yellow at a restaurant and not the bright healthy orange shade you're used to. They clearly didn't come from the farmer's market!
4) The way you can't help but roll your eyes when you see meal replacement shakes like Advocare getting marketed as healthy. When did highly processed powdered food with additives, fillers, and synthetic nutrients do anything good for anyone (except to pad the wallets of the manufacturer)?
5) You have to practice self-control to avoid speaking up about the harmfulness of un-fermented soy every time you see tofu in a shopping cart or a soy latte ordered... It's really hard to keep quiet!
6) It depresses you when a news article focuses on the good that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is doing feeding people in Africa, because you know they're feeding them GMO foods. A risky experiment 🙁
7) You have a hard time finding a doctor because it can feel impossible to find someone who doesn't push pills, has an open mind about natural alternatives, and shares your point of view on health.
8) The look on your face when someone asks you to buy margarine at the store is like nothing they've ever seen...
9) Not knowing what's in your food or where it came from REALLY freaks you out.
10) The look on your face when people don't understand that a low calorie diet= a low nutrient diet. Limiting nutrients is a good way to gain weight, not lose it!
11) Farmed seafood creeps you out almost as much as GMOs...
12) The disgust you feel when people pay more attention to the calorie count than the ingredients on food labels.
13) The freedom that comes in taking PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for your health and not putting it the hands of anyone with the letters MD next to their name.
14) You're never shocked by your grocery bill, because you know high quality food is the best health insurance you can buy!
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com/dreamerve
Peter Slavchenko
I would indicate that the #7 and #13 statements relating to the difficulty of choosing doctors, is something that I don't really consider a problem, because I believe I can, when I need to, find out whatever it is to stay healthy, just by reading and doing research. Why pay at least $120 per hour, even for N.D. doctors, when they are not necessarily smarter than you, and also, they too, have a limited amount of time that they will devote to your concerns. At university, quite a few years ago, I recall the phrase "question authority"; Also, why go to an "authority" paying her/him money, to find out something, that you could, with a bit of effort find out anyway. Short of knowing how to do operations, or prescribe artificial pharmaceuticals, is it really impossible for most people to find out for themselves how to stay healthy. From some healthcare "professionals" that I have met over the years, I believe that many of them are taught to cultivate the "all knowing" aura, personality.; some advertisements in Ontario, used to have sound bites like "trust me I'm a doctor"; I have even heard some doctors say the same things, in person, when they were talking to people, where I happened to be present.
I don't have any urgent health concerns myself, and I suggest, that when people realize that they really are the only ones who have a vested interest in keeping themselves healthy, why would they ever pay (usually exhorbitant fees), or let doctors under a socialized health care system, whose salary is essentially guaranteed (why 24 years ago, some specialist doctors in Ontario needed to earn $350.000, all paid by the Ontario Ministry of Health; what are they paid now? Then again, we have a "healthcare crisis; not enough beds, etc"), with limited knowledge of nutrition, or I would suggest, with little vested interest in keeping you healthy, give you their opinions on health? They get paid, regardless of whether they are accurate, and very few people can afford to bring legal lawsuits against millionaire doctors, which, I suggest all of them are, and everyone knows it.
Anita gregersen
Soooooo true!!! That is exactly what I do!!! lol! 🙂
David R
You're an idiot
Funniest paranoid delusions I've read all day.
James Cooper
7. Alternative medicine is made up of things we don't know work and things we know don't work. It it works, we call it "medicine."
2. How can you call GMO foods an "experiment," when they require 10-12 years of testing to gain approval, while cross bred crops require no testing whatever/
6. So you are advocating starvation over nutritious foods developed for Africa?
Health Advocate
Traditional (aka alternative) medicine has been proven over thousands of years.. "Modern" medicine is mostly bandaid solutions to fatten a small group of people's wallets and is certainly not the answer. Prevention and healthy lifestyles are the answer. GMOs are most certainly an experiment, and a dangerous one at that. I would rather be in a forest and fend for myself than to be fed lab-altered "food". And people are not starving because there is no food, it is because of the distribution of food and politics. Think of all the food that is wasted in North America in grocery stores, restaurants, tv shows...
The Perrenialist
To James Cooper Point 2 - Genetically Modified Organisms and Genetic Engineering in general is remarkable for its very lack of testing. The traits were developed, the seeds marketed, the crops grown and the results permeate the food supply. Where are the large scale population studies? Where is the control group? What are the metrics we measure the effects by? Contrary to the anti GMO crowd, I say this is decidedly not an "experiment" because of the absence of parameters or controls. I believe it is the next step in a decades long, out of control, slow motion train wreck that started with Haber/Bosch... which brings me to Mr. Cooper's Point 6 - "nutritious food developed for Africa". OK - so the indigenous people of Africa, India, the rest of Asia and the entire western hemisphere were largely self feeding for millennia. They managed the fertility cycle efficiently and sustainably - until the advent of European colonization, plantation capitalism, export agriculture, ecological devastation and flat out genocide. Your phrase was written with typically heroic good intentions - I find it ill informed, condescending, arrogant and superficial. People will feed themselves when the impediments to doing so are removed.
I'm selling organinc tinfoil hats for the low low price of 69.69
Newsflash, nothing you eat or drink will make you live forever MK?
Hah! Love this. Especially the one about soy! I work as a barista and I cringe when people ask for soy lattes and have to resist the urge to tell them how they are basically drinking toxic sludge...