Do you have chronic and annoying low-grade symptoms that keep you from feeling your best? Bile deficiency syndrome results in the sluggish ...
Blog Post Archive
Below you can find all the posts on the Butter Nutrition blog. But, if you're looking for something more specific, you can choose a category below to better filter your results:
3 Must-have Kitchen Tools
Having the right kitchen tools can make your food routine a whole lot more pleasant, helping you stay the course. These tools help make eating healthy ...
Two Must-Have Tests for 'Mystery' Symptoms
It's 2024 and you've waited long enough to feel your best. You've tried finding support for your lingering or mystery symptoms through Western ...
12 Signs of Selenium Deficiency
Selenium is an important and powerful mineral that you may not have heard much about. It doesn't get nearly as much attention as b-vitamins, zinc or ...
Are we slowly poisoning our pets?
As someone who doesn't have kids, my dog is my family. After working with clients from around the world for over 12+ years in my nutrition practice, ...
What To Do Instead of a Liver Detox
In health, all roads lead to the liver. You see, your liver has no nerve endings so you're not going to feel pain in your liver when it's not ...
Why your grandparents didn't have leaky gut...but you do!
Did your grandparents have chronic gut issues? Mine sure didn't. A stark comparison to the growing epidemic of digestive issues, worsening with every ...
The Cheat Codes to Sane Weight Loss
If you've ever wondered how to lose weight, I can assure you that you are in exactly the right place. Chances are you're reading this after tireless ...
The Type of Fiber That Can Help Detox and Drain Your Liver
There's so much information out there about fiber, but the general consensus is it's great for you if you tolerate it well. And this confuses ...
Homemade Chicken Teriyaki (gluten free)
Homemade gluten free chicken teriyaki is quick and delicious way to get more protein into your diet. This recipe uses chicken thighs which are not ...
7 Signs of Liver Injury (and what supplements and meds can cause it)
This my friends, is why I postulate that people taking little to no supplements (and Rx meds) are often better off health-wise than those choosing to ...
3 Ways Wellness Culture is Making You Sick
Wellness culture has become unhinged in recent years pushing healthy habits to the extreme and making people sick. If some healthy food is good, more ...
Thyroid Triggers Everyone Ignores
When it comes to low thyroid issues, subclinical or otherwise, it's easy to get caught in the weeds with what to do about it. But going down rabbit ...
16 Signs of Histamine Intolerance (and WHAT causes it)
High histamine levels can produce a myriad of unpleasant symptoms that highly impact your quality of life. When working with clients, histamine ...
Is Your Chronic Gut Issue Really a Liver/Gallbladder Issue?
I can't tell you how many clients I talk to that have just done a bunch of 'gut work' but don't find themselves feeling much better. Most of these gut ...
Are You Really Vitamin D Deficient? 4 Things to Consider
Taking vitamin D in Western culture has quickly become an 'if some is good, more is better' game of taking chances on mega-dose supplements. But ...
3 Ways your Gut Makes or Breaks Your Mental Health
Is anxiety and/or depression-like symptoms taking over your life? If so, knowing about the impact of gram-negative bacteria overgrowth in your ...
9 Side Effects of Antibiotics
Have you taken antibiotics? I sure have. But now I avoid them as much as possible because the costs of overuse are just too high. Here's why... 1) ...
18 Signs of Overmethylation
Methylation is complicated, but I'm going to get overly simplistic today to tell you what you need to know about undermethylation. You may have ...
14 Signs of Undermethylation
Methylation is complicated, but I'm going to get overly simplistic today to tell you what you need to know about undermethylation. You may have ...
Pyroluria or Pyrroles – An Often Unknown Mood + Stress Disorder
Have you ever heard of Pyroluria, Pyrroles, Mauve Factor, or Kryptopyrrole? I'll take a guess that for most of you, that's a 'no'. However, if ...
16 Signs of Copper Overload
Balancing copper to prevent copper overload can be a delicate process in today's modern world, especially among high estrogen females. Copper is ...
What NOT To Buy at Costco
I made a little five part video series about what I don't recommend buying at Costco. Below each video there is a link to learn more about the 'why' ...
7 Signs of Gamma Linolenic Acid Deficiency
You probably haven't heard much about gamma linolenic acid (GLA) deficiency, but it's a super common fatty acid deficiency (I find it in about 90% of my ...
What You Don't Know About Breast Implants
I’m a big fan of believing women when they feel sick and I'm not seeing this information about breast implants getting shared enough. But first a ...
5 Things to Count to Feel Better Today (hint: it's NOT calories)
I rarely ask my clients to count calories, and when I do, it's a one-time thing to make sure they are eating enough. So while I'm not a fan of ...
9 Ways a Stool Test Can Explain Your 'Symptoms'
Got acne? Weight gain? Tired all the time? Can't digest certain foods? Hormonal symptoms? Your gut could be the source of your issues, and commonly ...
12 Signs of Hypercoagulation (thick, sticky blood that is prone to clotting)
Blood health and homeostasis are rarely talked about until there's a big problem (read: you get a blood clot), so you probably haven't heard much about ...
Why Your Grandparents Were Better Off
Do you think the current generation is more joyful and more satisfied than previous generations? I sure don't. A troubling thought that should leave ...
Does Anxiety + Depression Start in the Gut?
Western Medicine tells us that depression and anxiety are caused by a 'chemical imbalance.' But what causes that chemical imbalance? Because I'm ...
3 Lesser Known Causes of Weight Gain
Today we're diving in to explain some reasons for unexplained weight gain, and they all come from the gut (with or without gut symptoms). So if you ...
How To Fix Your Gut
One of the most common questions I get from clients and readers alike is "how can I fix my gut?" The answer is anything but simple because it depends ...
13 Signs of Thiamine Deficiency
Cliff notes: Thiamine deficiency was not solved decades ago by enriching grains and is alive and well. The implications of this have a huge impact on ...
How to Flip the Switch on Inflammation
If you had an invisible enemy causing inflammation in your body at the cellular level, wouldn't you want to know? You know, so you could do something ...
13 Anxiety Hacks
It seems like everyone is anxious these days. Whether you've struggled with anxiety for your whole life, it's pandemic induced, or it has slowly crept ...
An Alternative to Multivitamins
If you've been reading the blog for a period of time, you've probably gleamed that I'm a huge supplement minimalist. This comes from over 10 years in ...
Gluten Free Strawberry-Rhubarb Muffins
I've loved rhubarb ever since I was a child and it's something I look forward to enjoying every spring. This recipe uses a rich strawberry rhubarb ...
What Your Rx Drug Can Do To Your Body
These last several weeks I've struggled with what to write about. When the whole world is in a state of chaos, it can be hard to find the words to ...
8 Signs of Calcium Deficiency
One of the reasons I love nutritional therapy is how truly helpful and life changing it can be. About 13 years ago I had a brief encounter with ...
Are You Lithium Deficient? What You Need To Know About Lithium Therapy
When most people hear the word lithium, they don't think about a naturally occurring mineral found in tap water, grains and vegetables that is an ...