It's 2024 and you've waited long enough to feel your best. You've tried finding support for your lingering or mystery symptoms through Western ...
Blog Post Archive
Below you can find all the posts on the Butter Nutrition blog. But, if you're looking for something more specific, you can choose a category below to better filter your results:
What Hair Analysis Testing Reveals: 10 Things Your Hair Can Tell You
When I first tried hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) over seven years ago, I have to admit I was a huge skeptic. While I'm no stranger to losing hair ...
18 Signs Of Vitamin A Toxicity
Vitamin A toxicity (also called Hypervitaminosis A) might be one of the reasons eating "too healthily" might actually make you sick. Do any of these ...
Why Thyroid Problems are Skyrocketing Since Your Grandparent's Day
Did your grandparents have thyroid problems such as hypothyroidism? Mine sure didn't, which is a stark comparison to the millions of Americans ...
16 Signs of Potassium Deficiency
Got potassium? The following signs of potassium deficiency (hypokalemia) are clues that you're just not getting enough: Acne Numbness and/or ...
4 Reasons You're Not Losing Weight
Have you changed your diet but you are still not losing weight? Today I'm sharing the most common reasons I find that my clients are still not losing ...
14 Signs of Undermethylation
Methylation is complicated, but I'm going to get overly simplistic today to tell you what you need to know about undermethylation. You may have ...
18 Signs of Overmethylation
Methylation is complicated, but I'm going to get overly simplistic today to tell you what you need to know about undermethylation. You may have ...
Think there's NOTHING you can do about varicose veins? Think again!
There is a stigma going around that there is "nothing" you can do for varicose veins. If your mom had them, then they're engraved in your DNA and you're ...
Dangers Of Fluoride
Your most likely encounter with fluoride is probably at the dentist, as fluoride treatments are common in traditional dental practices to prevent tooth ...
10 Things healthy people do differently (hint: it's NOT eating salad)!
What do healthy people have in common? My guess would be the following 10 things! How many of them apply to you? 1) They are "immune" to health ...
17 Signs of Impaired Liver Detox
Your monthly cycle (length, symptoms) is a report card for your liver. Pregnancy is a stress test on your liver. Your gut health is a reflection of ...
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis: Significant Ratios
I've been meaning to write about the significant ratios in hair analysis for some time now, because they are so important, but between working with ...
The Cheat Codes to Sane Weight Loss
If you've ever wondered how to lose weight, I can assure you that you are in exactly the right place. Chances are you're reading this after tireless ...
8 Lab Levels to Check ASAP If You Have Fatigue (hint: it's not a thyroid test)
Fatigue makes life pretty miserable. Routine tasks become overwhelming, stuff you used to enjoy begins to feel like way too much work, and you may get ...
How To Fix Your Gut
One of the most common questions I get from clients and readers alike is "how can I fix my gut?" The answer is anything but simple because it depends ...
2 Stupid Easy Ways to Increase Your Digestion INSTANTLY (almost everyone messes up #1!)
Do you consider yourself to have good digestion? Without it, it's impossible to make any real progress with your nutrition and overall health. ...
Why your ancestors were fertile... but you aren't.
Are you less fertile than your ancestors? With an abundance of "healthy" food, medicine, and healthcare available, shouldn't fertility be on the rise? ...
WARNING: 6 Supplements Not To Take Without Testing
Supplements make everyone feel better about their diet and nutrition, but here's four situations where supplements can do more harm than good. So ...
6 Reasons your Great Grandparents Didn't NEED to diet (#6 will hit home!)
Did your great grandparents struggle with dieting and the inability to lose weight? Mine sure didn't. A stark comparison to the millions struggling with ...
Can't Poop? Poop Like A Champ With These Constipation Remedies
There's not much worse than not being able to "go" regularly. Constipation not only causes digestive discomfort, but it can also severely impact your ...
Does Anxiety + Depression Start in the Gut?
Western Medicine tells us that depression and anxiety are caused by a 'chemical imbalance.' But what causes that chemical imbalance? Because I'm ...
13 Anxiety Hacks
It seems like everyone is anxious these days. Whether you've struggled with anxiety for your whole life, it's pandemic induced, or it has slowly crept ...
My Morning Routine
I've been getting a lot of emails and messages lately about what I eat and how I optimize my own nutrition, so I thought I'd do something different and ...
DIY Liver Supplements
If you've found yourself in nutritional debt and you need help getting out or you just want to maintain excellent nutrition, then eating liver can help ...
The most IGNORED factor in weight loss — Is it sabotaging you?
Stress impacts weight loss for a number of reasons... You see, your body has two modes of operation: the parasympathetic (relaxed) nervous ...
Pain Relief: 4 All Natural Alternatives to Pills
Pain is a reality for many, and it's hard to find clean products at your local drug store. Aspirin often contains added binders, fillers and colors, ...
6 Traps NOT To Fall Into When You're Trying To Get Healthy (#1 and #2 can actually cause weight gain!)
Every year there are health trends that make you big health promises, but instead come with big health consequences that can do some serious ...
Does DIY Nutrition Save MONEY? A nutritional therapist's take...
Is it worth it to do your own DIY nutrition or should you work with a nutritional therapist? Let your wallet be the judge.... Let's identify some ...
8 Signs of Calcium Deficiency
One of the reasons I love nutritional therapy is how truly helpful and life changing it can be. About 13 years ago I had a brief encounter with ...
3 Ways Wellness Culture is Making You Sick
Wellness culture has become unhinged in recent years pushing healthy habits to the extreme and making people sick. If some healthy food is good, more ...
18 Signs of Iron Overload (and what tests you'll want to take)
While you've probably heard of anemia or low iron levels, talk about hereditary hemochromatosis or milder forms of iron overload is not nearly as ...
Vitamin A Detox Diet
Okay ya'll. Enough research has come down the pipeline in front of me that I'm starting question vitamin A's status as a nutrition superstar, but ...
9 Food Cravings You Should Never Ignore
Who doesn't have food cravings? Whether it's hormones, pregnancy, or emotionally induced, your brain knows what your body needs! However, in this ...
What you don't know about gelatin may hurt you: 6 things you need to know!
Gelatin and collagen are all the rage right now — and for GOOD reason, but there are some not-so-widely known facts that I would like to share with you. ...
Pro-Metabolic Ray Peat Diet Review
One of the most common questions I get asked is my opinion on various diets, so I've decided to do a little diet review series to help those interested ...
Why I Don't Recommend Pink Himalayan Salt
Pink Himalayan salt is a pretty popular trend these days with the health crowd, but from my personal experience, there are good reasons not to use ...
What Your Rx Drug Can Do To Your Body
These last several weeks I've struggled with what to write about. When the whole world is in a state of chaos, it can be hard to find the words to ...
Duped by Vitamin D? What low levels can REALLY reveal...
In recent years, supplementing vitamin D3 has been touted as somewhat of a cure-all, but is that really the case? According to the New York Times, ...
Hair Analysis — The Nutritional Checkup
Are you... ...tired of your doctor ignoring your symptoms if there’s not a pill to fix it? ...tired of your doctor not connecting how you feel to your ...