Why have cancer rates skyrocketed in the last 100 years? Statistics point to a clear answer: most of us are living longer. However, cancer is not only occurring at older ages, but in some types of cancer, rates are actually increasing at younger ages, particularly when it comes to colon cancers. According to the American Cancer Society, "Based on current trends, they predict that by 2030 the incidence rates among people ages 20 – 34 years will increase by 90% for colon cancer and by 124.2% for rectal cancer. Among people ages 35 – 49 years, they predict the incidence rates will increase by 27.7% for colon cancer and by 46% for rectal cancer."
Here's my hypothesis for the top 6 (diet and lifestyle related) reasons why. You'll be surprised by how many of these you can control:
1) While Americans are well FED, they are not well nourished.
How can you expect the body to maintain the homeostasis that keeps cancer cells at bay if your body doesn't have the raw materials to function properly? From the increases in processed food, the introduction of genetically modified foods (GMOs), the widespread use of herbicides that chelate mineral levels, to eating fat free diets, and not eating the whole animal (leading to inflammation), it's clear the majority of Americans are not giving their body the proper nutrition it needs.
The American diet needs more organic food along with strategic nutrients that you only get when you eat the whole animal. My favorite "easy buttons" for whole animal eating are collagen and a small dose of an organ complex. Unless of course you're eating tendon and beef heart on the regular...
Nutritional deficiencies can also be paired with nutrient excesses (namely, vitamin A, calcium or iron), a problem that can be made even worse with multivitamins and non-strategic supplementation. That's why it's always best to know your own nutrient levels before starting a supplement regimen.
Otherwise you could just be putting gasoline on a fire...
2) Increased estrogen levels from the pill and hormone replacement.
The birth control pill was not introduced until 1960, when the first high estrogen oral contraceptive Enovid was approved by the FDA. According to Dr. Ray Peat, PhD, "Cancer, abnormal blood clotting, and infertility were known to be caused by estrogen before 1940, but at the same time the drug companies began calling estrogen “the female hormone,” and claiming that it would improve fertility."
Today, I don't know many women who either have not or are not taking synthetic estrogen in some form. Clearly a variable that has not been around for much more than 50 years! How can we continue to ignore the fact that more estrogen means higher cancer rates, and thus taking oral estrogen is NOT the best idea?
To compound the issue, estrogen must be detoxified by the liver, as it's seen as a poison after it's served its purpose in the body: "Normally, the liver treats estrogen like a poison, removing it immediately from the body. If the liver gets sluggish from malnutrition or too much estrogen (or other damage), it can allow the hormone to build up to very high levels” -Ray Peat, PhD
If you have improper nutrition, it can inhibit the liver's ability to detoxify estrogen and remove it from the body.
3) Herbicide Laden Foods (non organic food)
In 1974 the molecule glyphosate was invented. What is glyphosate? It's the active ingredient in the incredibly popular and widely used herbicide Roundup. Roundup is widely used in GMO crops as well as sprayed on non-organic produce to help increase crop yields and reduce pests.
It's basically in everything you consume in varying amounts depending on if you eat organic or not.
Sounds okay, right?
Wrong. Glyphosate is now entangled in many lawsuits because of its negative health implications. It's also been shown to increase cancer risk and is linked to nutritional depletion (namely, iron, cobalt, molybdenum, and copper). This makes glyphosate-containing foods something you definitely want to minimize as much as possible.
While there's no way to completely avoid it, eating organic and avoiding GMOs is the best way to reduce your intake of synthetic herbicides, specifically glyphosate.
4) Introduction of vegetable oils into the American diet causing systemic inflammation in the body.
In the early turn of the century, vegetable oils were introduced into the food supply as a result of the growing corn and soybean industries. Did you know that vegetable oils (called polyunsaturated fats) can damage all systems of the body? Even if you avoid vegetable oils in your own home in favor of healthy saturated fats like butter, you're still subject to them every time you go to a restaurant, fast food chain or when you eat processed foods.
According to Dr. Ray Peat, PhD, an excess of polyunsaturated fats (PUFA) are known a contributor to cancer, particularly breast cancer:
“Polyunsaturated fats are another clearly identified cause of cancer, especially breast cancer. These fats synergize with estrogen, and sensitize to radiation. Their effects on the mother can be seen in the offspring, as an increased tendency to develop breast or prostate cancer.” Ray Peat, PhD
5) Increased stress of all kinds (poor digestion, not enough calories, mental/emotional stress, environmental stress, malnutrition and more).
The body's ability to adapt and respond to stress depends upon the nutrition we give it. If we are not digesting our food properly to absorb nutrients, or not eating enough, or eating too much empty food or bombarding the body with environmental stressors, how can we expect it to maintain the balance or homeostasis that helps keep us healthy and disease free?
“When cells are fully nourished, supplied with protective hormones, and properly illuminated, their ability to communicate should be able to govern their movements, preventing–and possibly reversing–metastatic migration.” Ray Peat, PhD.
6) The cancer industry depends on diagnosing more and more people every year to keep it growing.
Cancer is multi-billion dollar business, and the survival of the cancer industry depends on you following the status quo. Although there is certainly a conflict of interest between the industry and education for improved prevention.
Time for a shift: You have control of the environment in your body!
It's the environment in the body that allows cancer to grow. Why not change the environment to prevent cancer? According to Ray Peat, PhD, "Oncological pathologists, looking at slices of a tumor, believe they can guess when the cells have an evil intention. However, biologists studying living cells find that cells can do only what they are allowed to do by their environment." This suggests that if the body environment is changed, it can influence the cells behavior!
Agree? Oppose? If you don't think the internal environment of your body play a role in the creation, and the disappearance of cancer, I challenge you to watch this video and be open to a shift in your thinking.
"Mina Bissell's groundbreaking research has proven that cancer is not only caused by cancer cells. It is caused by an interaction between cancer cells and the surrounding cellular micro-environment. In healthy bodies, normal tissue homeostasis and architecture inhibit the progression of cancers. But changes in the microenvironment--following an injury or a wound for instance--can shift the balance. This explains why many people harbor potentially malignant tumors in their bodies without knowing it and never develop cancer, and why tumors often develop when tissue is damaged or when the immune system is suppressed." (source)
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com/mikle15
Justin from Extreme Health Radio
I absolutely love your article. About 15 years ago before I knew anything about health, I asked my doctor why the cancer rates were going up. He said, "Well there haven't been any studies that tell us why yet but it's probably because our diagnostic capabilities are much greater." Not surprising right? I should send him this article and maybe he'll wake up from the Matrix a little bit. 😉
Thanks Justin for the kind words 🙂
Robin Peacock
My theory is similar but begins a lot earlier. I think grains are the biggest culprit causing ill health. Humans have been around for 100s of thousands of years, evolving slowly and adapting as time went by. Grain cultivation began around 10,000 years ago in China (rice) and spread throughout the world over the next 3-5,000 years. Wheat, barley and other grains have been in our diets in only the blink of an eye in evolutionary terms. I think the human body is ill equipped to process grains; some do it better than others but diabetes, obesity, liver and heart disease all stem from our diets. A grain free diet, as we ate only 10,000 years ago, would go a long way to resolving this issue.
Maybe so, but I believe modern grain intolerance to be a second order effect of many of the above problems. Would most current Americans be better off switching off grains especially wheat? Yes, but that's not the full story!
Actually, humans have been around for millions of years.
10, 000 years ago 30 year old human was as healthy as 60 year old now.
Ervin Buba
Sure, and these decrepit sick individuals build the Great Pyramids at the same time. Your statement is completely unfounded by science and scientific proof,
Ken Graham
I believe that the problem lies more how grains are processed, used and what grain is used in combination with today. Most things, commercially made with, essentially, the same grains, the same flower that our grandparents used is about as nutritious as the cardboard and plastic they're packaged in.
If it was grains alone that causes cancer and we're eating grains - not including GMO's, that our grandparents ate, then the cancer percentages should have remained essentially the same; therefore, I doubt that grains have much to do with our shocking state of health.
Instead, I think we should go back to eating food the way it was done in the years before WW II, prior to all the chemicals were added to our water, food and air, etc.
I agree with you and I appreciate your logical and critical thinking skills to look at what changed around the time when cancer rates started rising. I heard one person say "if we call went vegan there wouldn't be cancer". A very naive statement devoid of any deductive skills whatsoever.
GMO's, pesticides, chemicals we eat, drink and wear (scented laundry products, synthetic perfumes, febreeze etc.) are causing a lot of damage. Chemicals are damaging our environment, animals, and making us sick. In some ways, you could say science has made us sick... after all, our chemicals came from science. Not all scientific progress is good progress.
In Biblical times fish and wheat and corn were consumed constantly. God created us so knows best how to maintain good health on these foods. Perhaps the fault lies in the methods of processing grains and the additives now used in them.
I agree with this 100%. Gluten being #1
I agree with most of what I read. Overlooked, however, is a big one - SOY. Soy contains estrogen. An infant on soy formula is ingesting the equivalent of 5 birth control pills a day!!! And most of the soy contains GMOs. It is causing early menses and premature puberty as young as 7 yrs., not to mention the chaos that soy causes with the thyroid gland. Add in the increase in numbers of humans on the planet........
Good article - good discussions.
What I can say for soy milk is that when my daughter who is now 12 yrs old was a baby I chose to give her infant soy milk due to mucus she started having frequently n today she is still a healthy girl ....I use soy cream instead of fresh cream as I am also intolerant to milk as well. ....but with cereals use almond or coconut milk
F. R.
Also to note that the majority of Soy available here in the States is heavily processed, and stripped of benefits.
Water washed Soy, which is consumed in Asian Countries Water washed Soy can also be found here in US, but you must be very cautious of source.
What a horrible biased extremist article. Are you happy poisoning minds with lies?
Actually, it's pretty much right on. Do some research.
Mary Ann Traba
We are ALL slowly being poisoned to death. Chemicals in fruit & vegetables (if not organic), growth hormones in all meats (to fatten them up quicker) the water we drink (fluoride etc) the air we breathe filled will seen (smog) and unseen (Porter Ranch gas leak etc) pollutants. EACH individual is in charge of their OWN health. Most doctors are NOT in the business of healing. When prescribed medication, most likely it will be for the rest of your life. Only with severe diet changes can you recover your health
Estrogen is the female hormone... They aren't just "calling" it that... Are you a doctor? I see no credentials on your page... Also estrogen replacement therapy FIGHTS ovarian cancer, ovarian cysts along with emotional and physical problems that occur due to menstration.
Jamie thank you. Although high high rates of unopposed estrogen may cause issues, this is why it's in low dose now with progesterone. And as you said protects women from ovarian cancer, atrophy of the brain and many more benefits.
Grate response..I agree we are being poisoned slowly...killing us softly
Bob Boogie
Don't mean this to be entirely negative, or argumentative to your points, but 100 years ago things were not diagnosed as accurately due to less medical knowledge. I research history a lot and if you look at the causes of death on even death certificates in the early 1900s, you will find very few causes. Plus death by disease was much higher. The reason why there is a higher percentage of diagnoses of any kind, mental or physical can at least in part be contributed to the same reason why we have more inventions than we did 100 years ago. Advancement of knowledge and information, higher education.
But I do agree, 100 years ago people ate healthier, worked harder, were in the fresh air more, took a lot less unnecessary medicine, etc. It certainly plays a part in people being less healthy today vs 100 years ago.
Dude Macs
The average life expectancy for men was 47 years in 1910.
They might have eaten healthier, but life expectancy still sucked, compare to 73 years today.
There were many other problems at the turn of the century in modernizing societies. Look back at vibrant traditional societies and you will see very long life expectancies. 1910 is not the golden year to look to.
Ervin Buba
Life Expectancy is a little deceiving since childhood diseases accidents and infections killed the majority. Also mothers during pregnancy died in large numbers. So If you compensate for these and studies have shown this the average life expectancy jumps to 70 years. You can really see this when you visit an old cemetery you have many children buried, mothers in childbearing years the occasional 40, 50 year old and the rest are old people in their 60, 70s and 80s.
I study history as well, Let's also say that there was less hygiene back in those times. Doctors did not sterilise equipment. he number one cause of death wasn't cancer or heart disease, it was due to unhygienic doctors/dentists, etc. So, in these times we have sterilisation, but we also have much more sick people due to our diets.
Excellent, but you forgot to include hormone disrupting chemicals in plastics, and cosmetics/shampoos/soaps/topical products also. And also in artificial colors & flavors, and pesticides which are sprayed more heavily on all the "food" than ever before, it doesn't wash off, it's soaked into the roots, like when you put food coloring in the water of a cut flower and watch the petals change color.
Ann Miller
Polyunsaturated fatty acids include omega-3 fatty acids, which have been proven to promote health. The American Heart Association recommends omega-3 fatty acids daily for heart health. A benefit of polyunsaturated fatty acids is that they lower triglycerides. The AHA recommends people with high triglycerides to substitute saturated fat in the diet with polyunsaturated fats. What do you say to this?
Richard Seah
Polyunsaturated fatty acids such as most vegetable cooking oils contain very little omega-3 and far too much omega-6, relative to omega-3. Omega-6 is pro-inflammatory while omega-3 is anti-inflammatory. The two need to balance. The great imbalance is main cause of chronic inflammation, which, in turn, leads to cancer, heart disease and other problems. The most effective way to restore balance is to stop using vegetable cooking oils. These oils have never been traditionally used until past 100 years or so.
And take more omega-3. The richest sources of omega-3 are free range eggs, krill, wild salmon etc.
Very good point--I completely agree with what you have to say regarding polyunsaturated cooking oils.
What alarms me is the fact that conventional wisdom tells people these are safe to cook with and consume. The Australian heart foundation tells people to consume margarine because it's a polyunsaturated fat. It's also a trans fat. It's scary how certain 'health experts' do not understand how dangerous highly processed products are for human health... or maybe they do know?
Tony Murphy
Not to forget,margarine is said to be one chemical short of.,PLASTIC.
Processed foods are a major reason why cancer rates have skyrocketed in this country, the U.S. now has the highest cancer rate in the world! However you failed to mention the biggest reason why processed food is so unhealthy, over 80% if it contains GMO's!!!
Julie Zimmer
Correlation does not NECESSARILY equil causation. Because you sneezed at the same time the lights went on does not mean the two phenomenons are connected. Now, maybe they are. But general feelings about such things aren't a substitute for research and peer review.
Julie Zimmer
phenomena. isn't that the plural?
Why is it you believe this post is based on her personal fuzzy "feelings?" Look into the data yourself.
Annette Stewart
I wouldn't say it's just GMO; there's a lot of risk factors. Reason? I study genealogy and on the death certificates cancer was here back in mid 1850's through 1900's. It's listed as cause of death or in their obit. But I agree when farmers and country people raised their own animals and foods (meat, butter, milk, eggs, veggies, fruits) they had to be healthier and cooked from scratch. And they worked hard to burn off the calories. However there was other risk factors and in severe cases they didn't have the medicine to help fight infections.
Missed the biggest one of them all.. Increased animal food consumption.. She must be a meat eater, the cognitive dissonance and scaring away readers worry have gagged her
Yes, modern factory-farmed meat can be a huge source of toxins and inflammation - mostly due to toxicity in the animal's environment, hormones, antibiotics, gmo consumption, unnatural grain diet, high stress levels, and major omega-6 / 3 imbalance due to above. Many of our problems with animals are the same for us above! BUT we were designed to eat meat as humans! Its not meat that's the problem but the health of the meat in most grocery stores. NO traditional society ever successfully survived as a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. Several have tried, and all failed. Catherine has some commentary on this on her site - check it out.
ALSO she comments on not eating the WHOLE animal - which is another problem - eating too much muscle meat and less collagen containing animal products, less organ means, less use of bones, etc. Again, reference her linked articles.
Thank you Melissa! I totally agree with you. Humans are designed to eat animals (the whole animal). I have cured myself of many health issues by eating more liver, bone broth, etc. You know, the things people don't really eat these days. I also get my meat from reputable places that have animals that are grass-fed/free-range.
Trevor Murphy
And where is meat/dairy? I think someone needs to read The China Study
Look into the criticisms of the China study and realize why many think it was a failed and inaccurate study... As for dairy, yes, it has become a major allergen and causes inflammation, but that's due in most part to the points stated above in the article. Processing, production, gmos, very poor digestion in the population, etc. There are major problems with dairy in modern society, but I agree it is an offshoot of the above.
brenda wilson moll
look at the TTAC(can be found on you tube for now) 9 episode docu-series put out fall 2015...and there is far more reasons...but is also why the holistic's have been dying..as the nagalase found..we can not absorb the nutritian we need any other way..plus the nagalase also attracts all the toxins that have slowly,cumulatively...knocked down our immune systems. Our Lord has put the cures out in the face since last fall for many reasons..but this is very correct for many reasons..if you remember to research from Many sources, question everything we were told or taught...seek and it will be found..Blessings to you!!
Injecting 98 million Americans with Simian virus is missing.
Bob Akimbo
You kind of missed the biggest reason. We live longer. Cancer is a disease of aging. The longer we live the greater our chances of getting cancer. Oh, and the rest of the reasons you give are mostly unsubstantiated speculation.
Glen Blackbourn
My greatgreat grandfather born in 1798 lived into his 80s so did his son and his son which was my grand father my other grandfather died at 92
Jane Taylor
The explosion of childhood cancer......what is your answer to that?
Yes I'd like to know your response too. 4 children every week diagnosed AAL leukaemia at Westmead childrens hospital alone. + many other cancers in children. My daughter is healthy, eats well and very active has now relapsed with AAL
I agree, a bit irresponsible to leave out one of the biggest reasons of the fact that we on average live longer, although I don't deny that lifestyle and health are contributing factors as well.
Hi Denise,
Thanks for reading and joining the conversation! I have updated the article.
Sandra .
Younger people are dying of cancer these days. so it is NOT a disease of the old; I know people that have died young with cancer.
Richard Seah
Fully agree with your list and disagree with most of the comments here. Perhaps my only addition would be the rise in consumption of artificial foods including artificial sweeteners, fats (especially trans fats) etc. Bure sure, it is easy to add on to the list, harder to distill it to the most essential, which is what you have done. Bravo!
And thanks for sharing the TED talk. Fascinating.
Great Article
Are you including olive and coconut oil in your list of dangerous vegetable oils? I thought they were good for me. Surely olive oil has been used for thousands of years.
Hi Heidi,
No, I'm referring to vegetable oils that are high in polyunsaturated fat like canola oil, soybean oil, safflower oil, etc.
Olive oil is predominately monounsaturated fat, where as coconut oil is mostly saturated fat.
Fluoride in the water and our food (pesticides and water preparation) is another often overlooked factor in the proliferating cancer rate. Nearly all of Europe has now banned the practice of fluoridation but we still haven't gotten the message. Fluoride suppresses the immune system, lowers testosterone, causes infertility, lowers intelligence, and ages the body on a systemic level..it's a byproduct of the ferilizer industry, used as a rat poison, and it's in our water.
Yes. Fluoride was also used in the atomic bomb ( from what I saw on a History channel youtube video) A little scary!
Not only is floride bad for you, but do you remember what your toothpaste was packaged in? It was lead! Yes lead! People are all concerned about lead paint,. Also do you remember leaded gasoline.
Many cities still put floride in the municipal drinking water. You will find that most countries in Europe have banned the use of floride.
Ersie Courea
I read in Sugar Blues that primitive tribes eat the liver and throw out the muscle meat. Nice if it;s true!
Btw, it's factually inaccurate to call Ray Peat an endocrinologist.
Nevertheless, good article.
Ha-- thanks Chris. Good find. You're right, while he studies endocrinology he is not an endocrinologist! My error, now corrected 🙂
Thanks for reading,
If one believes that there is a life force (Vital force) within each and everyone of us & that force was provided with the nutrients that it needs followed by removing the bad foods from ones diet, then that force should be able to fight against the stresses of life to help fight chronic disease. Definition of health; "Health is the ability of a living organism to experience stress and remain symptom free , wherein the systems of the body exist in a natural state of harmony and equipoise, each to the other."
That said how do you know if you are getting all the nutrients that the life force needs?
Peter Slavchenko
At the beginning of the 20th century, 1 in 10 Americans developed cancer, and now apparently, 1 in 3. Back then a majority lived on farms; now most live in urban areas. Food on the farm, I would guess had a denser nutrient content than food eaten in cities:; also, fewer pesticides were used than are now used
One author cited that women who watch 4 hrs or more of TV per day, increase their chance of breast cancer by 40 per cent (approx); is the radiation from computers any different from radiation from computers? Is it worse or better radiation--smartphone/tablet/laptop/facebook, etc.
A Japanese professor developed "PC Glasses" to decrease the effect of the blue light from computers, on people's circadian rhythm (don't use computers at night or you might be up all night.). He was cited in Intelligence magazine (last year I believe).
Lowest cancer rates in India ( in entire world--from a book by Canadian, Montreal based cancer researchers. Why? Do Asian societies, historically, try to advise their peoples in ways of staying healthy? N.American, west European, Austrailian/New Zealand have the highest cancer rates. Their health agencies have not historically tried to advise their peoples on how to atay healthy--this assertion was made by the book authors. Also, 80 per cent of Indians (in Asia), get service from naturopthic practioners of some kind; in the U.S., only about 40 per cent do.
Also, 73 per cent of Indians are Hindu--they don't eat cow meat.Is this kind of diet better? Japan and Mexico, were the second lowest cancer rate countries
What do Japanese eat more of (half of the mortality rate of the U.S., stats a few yrs ago)? Seafood, soya bean (fermented soy is better for bones--did anyone here in Canada tell me about fermented soy bean, Vit. K2, before I got osteoporosis in 2003? No. Why not?
Enjoy your holiday season and I hope my ideas were helpful.Bythe way aa study reported that some Canadian cancer researchers, in the majority of them, stated that they would not use chemo/radiation for themselves or their relatives.
Also, some health authors claim that even one drink per day for women, greatly increases their chance of breast cancer. Why not just drink grape juice? Can't get stupid enough?
Thanks Peter for sharing your insightful thoughts!
Do you happen to have a link to the Canadian study you spoke of? I would love to read it!
Fukushima, Chernobil, Three Mile Island and friends - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_nuclear_disasters_and_radioactive_incidents
Manhattan Project, Fat Boy and friends
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_nuclear_weapons_tests - Total of 2474 explosions for test purposes
and this
and this
and then maybe even these - Fukushima and others, again
Linda cooper
We have to be aware also of the GMOs in our food that wasn't there a hundred years ago. Not to mention all the chemicals that are raining down on us now from chem trails. All these things are valid reasons for cancer development. Think how our world has changed in the last hundred years. We are living in a different world than our grandparents inhabited.
Victoria Hill
You forgot the increased vaccine schedules and the vaccines themselves that are NOT tested for carcinogenics. Says so right on the package inserts.
in my family we are actually living longer.
We eat much better then a generation or two ago.
My children and now grandchildren are very healthy.
I also see that my extended family is very aware of what to eat and what to avoid.
I'm interested in knowing what kind of foods you all eat or avoid! 🙂 I'm trying to get my family on a healthier lifestyle just don't know where to start!
Anticancer Res. 1999 May-Jun;19(3B):2173-80.
Cancer risk associated with simian virus 40 contaminated polio vaccine.
Fisher SG1, Weber L, Carbone M.
Author information
The presence of SV40 in monkey cell cultures used in the preparation of the polio vaccine from 1955 through 1961 is well documented. Investigations have consistently demonstrated the oncogenic behavior of SV40 in animal models. Early epidemiologic studies were inadequate in demonstrating an increase in cancer incidence associated with contaminated vaccine. Recently, investigators have provided persuasive evidence that SV40 is present in human ependymomas, choroid plexus tumors, bone tumors, and mesotheliomas, however, the etiologic role of the virus in tumorigenesis has not been established.
Using data from SEER, we analyzed the incidence of brain tumors, bone tumors, and mesotheliomas from 1973-1993 and the possible relationship of these tumors with the administration of the SV40 contaminated vaccine.
Our analysis indicates increased rates of ependymomas (37%), osteogenic sarcomas (26%), other bone tumors (34%) and mesothelioma (90%) among those in the exposed as compared to the unexposed birth cohort.
These data suggest that there may be an increased incidence of certain cancers among the 98 million persons exposed to contaminated polio vaccine in the U.S.; further investigations are clearly justified.
Article would be much better if it actually had included any scientific research and not someone's conjecture on the evolving diagnosis of cancer.
Lest you forget that we have more cancer simply because we have more people. Death rates among babies used to be huge. Now not so much. If you made it to adulthood only a few were living to 90. Now not so much. I'm sure there are many factors that come into play, but don't fall into the trap of citing the most convenient ones.
Pamela Quattrini
I was disappointed not to see any mention of the epidemic of iodine deficiency. Reference David Brownstein, M.D.
Cancer is primarily a geriatric disease. As life expectancies increase and our population gets older, cases of cancer will also rise.
Helma Gröschel
Amazing that smoking didn't make it on the first list, the primary cause of still rising rates of lung cancer,
Does anyone know why younger people are getting lung cancer that don’t smoke? Or smoked in their 20’s
Most people are unaware that WHITE SUGAR excites cancer. White sugar is everywhere and in everything. The dwarf wheat and rice is also being rejected by many humans and animals.
Einkorn flour is the mother of wheat, which is unbelievably delicious. I milk my own cow, the 100% cream that I get from her milk is DELICIOUS. Nothing like the store bought, nothing. If you love cooking Italian, try using a 1/4 teaspoon of 100% butter with olive oil...OMG.
If people will forsake, the diet pops, the packaged goods, the lazy, convenient, deadly "foods" or the almost nutritionally dead vegetables in most grocery stores, then there is your reason for why cancer is soaring.
Eat well, don't eat the poison.
roger matthews
Soybean products (unless they have been fermented like miso) are FULL of estrogen.
It is very rare to find a brand of chocolate that does not contain soy lecithin as it's "emulsifier".
Soy flour is in most commercially available breads and processed foods, biscuits, cakes and even protein drinks
Sold to body-builders. They irony of this last item is that soy actually depletes muscle tone and promotes
The increase of body fat. It also leaches calcium from bones causing osteoporosis, while being touted by some "nutrition experts" as a prophylactic against osteoporosis!
So if your saying birth control causes cancer?
Eat mostly organic vegetables and fruits, raw and some cooked. Eat cold water fish (including the skin) gently poached. Eat organic, grassfed meats (nose to tail) cooked at low temperatures. Don't eat grain and if you do use Weston A. Price methods. Eat organic extra virgin olive oil raw. Eat pasture-raised organic eggs. Don't eat too many nuts, and only raw, soaked, sprouted. Delicious two minute mayonnaise: into a 1 pint canning jar carefully place whole raw organic pasture-raised egg. Pour 1 cup organic extra-virgin olive oil over egg. Add 1 T organic lemon juice. 3/4 teaspoon salt, pepper (optional). Use stick blender (I use kitchen aid brand with stainless steel blade) to blend. See some Youtube videos on how to do this or see Nom Nom Paleo website for methods. I am not sure about eating meats if you already have cancer. Maybe best to avoid until you are cancer free because I haven't seen any studies on organic, grassfed meat. Maybe best to avoid all dairy until organic, raw, grassfed, fermented dairy in cancer patients is studied. Conventional unfermented milk appears to cause early death (see NYT article (Nov. 17, 2014) on large, Swedish study). Incorporate magnesium glycinate in your diet since most people don't get enough magnesium. Eat clear bone broth from organic pasture-raised meat, chicken and/or fish. Raw, organic root vegetables may be especially helpful. Also mushrooms and liposomal turmeric (recipe on You tube or order Seeking Health brand. See Chris Kresser website.)
Cheri Davis
Great information. I am a cancer journeyer...currently in alternative treatment for cancer. Through my research with my alternative medicine doctor I have been shown how vaccines are a huge reasons cancer rates are going up. The viruses in vaccines were known years ago(polio vaccines) to cause cancer and the government covered it up. Just research Youtube for cancer and vaccines. Dr. Tent and he breaks it down so well.
More and more people are awakening to learning to keep their immune systems strong to help avoid cancer, so that' is going up too!
Peace and Blessings,
90/100 doctors believe they are God. This has to change.
Great article. I always remember the 3 P's. Pollution, Preservatives, and Pesticides
Fiona Hook
The elephant in the room is the increase in electromagnetic fields, especially wifi, aka low level pulsed radiation. Even the notoriously corrupt World Health Organisation categorised it in 2011 as a type 2b possible carcinogen .
Over 3000 peer-reviewed published studies show that low level pulsed radation increases the rate at which cancer tissue grows, in particular breast cancer, damages sperm and ovarian follicles, suppresses thyroid function, glucose metabolish and levels of serotonin, and destroys short term memory. http://www.justproveit.net for links to the studies.
Lloyds of London read the scientific press. They stopped insuring the telecoms companies for public liability in 1999. They stopped covering the asbestos companies in 1911. They read the scientific press. Switch your's off when you're not using it. Talk to your neighbours. Best of all, go cabled.
Fiona Hook
You removed my comment about wifi and cancer. Why?
It just hadn't been moderated yet. Thanks for joining the conversation.
Fiona Hook
I realised that as soon as I had posted the comment. Thanks for getting back to me, Catherine.
Do you think it's worthwhile doing an article on the dangers of wifi?
Dee Anne
GLYPHOSATE - The WHO has even come out and said it is a probable carcinogen. Our fruits and vegetables are virtually soaked in it as well as the seeds being genetically modified. It is a recipe for disaster for us and a cash cow for the pharmaceutical industry and the medical establishment
Tamatha Andrews
OUR grandparents also moved, all day every day! They worked in fields, railroad, ect. They walked everyday. They slept well. They didn't sit in front of a television. They grew and canned their own food. They butchered their own meat.
shoaib ahmed
After having read all this..... the big question is...... how can we avoid gmo? is going back to organic, an option for the poor? how can we avoid vegetable oils when butter and clarified butter ( ghee) costs double or triple the amount?
Your article is great! Awareness is the first step in understanding. You should read Dr. Mary's Monkey to read about why there is such a cancer epidemic. Eye Opener.
Great article. But it is also worth considering that we are living longer now than ever before. Years ago not all causes of death were known. By virtue of living longer and cancer detectesion in general we see cancer rat increase. May sound oversimplistic, but true.
Might want to add the scientific research that backs your article.
Hi Lee,
This is an opinion piece as stated in the second sentence of the article.
Very valid points. The rise of cancer also directly coincides with the industrial revolution. Car exhaust, nuclear waste, microwaves, industrial waste, Monsanto, etc etc.
Environmental toxins! Everything from plastics to dryer sheets, from polyester clothes to nuclear power plants.
Most cancers have been declining for 100 years. All have been declining since 1989.
Maybe re-write it?
I love the ignorant comments asking fot scientific data.. but they dont want data when eating garbage. Fact is.. " they" lie about data anyway so people will think junk is ok. People believe mainstream lies and attack people for showing them the truth.
You failed to mention that vaccines have been using a mandatory amount of mercury in all vaccines since the 1940s. Another toxic additive. This is NOT necessary. Have we passed the point of no return already? If Trump wins we definitely have.
Great point Angie!
I believe mercury (thimerosol) has been removed from all vaccines except for the flu at this point, so some would consider that a weaker argument today. I'd still consider it a contributing factor!
Per the CDC website, "Thimerosal hasn’t been used in vaccines for children since 2001. However, thimerosal is still used in some flu vaccines. Yearly flu vaccines are recommended for all children. If you are worried about thimerosal, you can ask for a flu vaccine without it."
What do you think about wireless technology and brain tumors? Specifically children using cell phones and wireless devices.
Definitely a growing factor, so much so, I would consider adding it as an 8th reason! Lots of troublesome studies starting to prove it as well.
The cancer rate for people under 20 is 15 per 100,000. For people 30-40, it's 102 per 100,000. For those 50-60, it's 246. For those over 75, it's 2695. That's not a typo. The cancer rate for those over 75 is 18 thousand percent greater than for those under 20. The average age of a cancer diagnosis is 70. In other words, when people rarely loved to 70, the cancer rate would, overall, be half of what it is now. Tell us again how cancer is not a disease of age.
nunya beeswax
Eddie, if cancer is a "disease of age", then tell us why children are getting cancer, including newborns? If cancer was purely a disease of age then only older people would be getting it, correct? If ANY child or young person gets cancer, then you CAN NOT call cancer a "disease of age".
Great read, thank you!
When is the American people gonna wake up! Our government is GMO'ing us,our food line! Our Own Government is Our Own Enemy!!! Third world countries have banned GMO's,buy the American people won't fight!!! How stupid do we look,ask yourself this,cause I am! Everyone slaps their food in a microwave...people think doing Chemo is a good thing.What part don't you understand,when your told radiation is wrong for you,and in that same breath,you turn around and embrace it ! Again,STUPID!! You've turned into such a closed minded Nation,can't even think outside the box.You have let your government do everything for you.They even wipe your ass for you! Sorry I have to be so harsh,but you won't stand up for yourselves anymore.The rest of the world just laughs at us,how is that working out for you? We had all sorts of God given natural resources provided for us,since the beginning of time. But,you rather take all of these Big Pharma drugs aka Government Manufactured Drugs! And what is one of the side affects popping up more and more on that drug label..."may cause death"!! WOW!!! Unbelievable how you let yourselves get sucked in! Flu Shots/Pneumonia Shots/Vaccines,you name it,you have been brain washed by this government! And then they suck you out of these foundations for these government diseases they have created. These aren't diseases God gave you! You are born w/cancer,but it only surfaces because you don't talk care of yourselves,nutritionally wise. You read a label on a can of food,and you can't even pronounce the damn chemical that your food is made of! That should be a big red light going off,right there! Food from your garden doesn't come from a lab,unless you are buying GMO seeds! Really,Really people! Get a brain...I'm so done w/stupid people! Seriously!!! I'm no rocket scientist,I'm not even a scientist,but I'm glad I know how to research,and have common sense.
the father of zen
It was made very clear that at least a little more than HALF of our country are complete brain-washed, close-minded sheeple, when they voted a clown into the white house!
Vaccines, are you f*cking kidding?? You CLEARLY haven't done research on the importance of vaccines. All this is, is an opinionated puff piece designed to spread false information. WTG sheep for agreeing!
Darrin Beckefeld
Devastation of lands, air and water quality worldwide that have lead to diminished nutritional value. The loss of the community sustainability to fend for themselves and the reliance on southern and western states in the off season, not to mention the imported fruit, vegetable, fish and meats with the CAFO mentality and production processes.
Perry S
I completely agree with the article with one exception and that is the study that asks why firefighters have high rates of cancer leads me to believe that there are definitely environmental hazards as well. Take for instance drinking water. The EPA will tell you that OUR DRINKING WATER IS SAFE. Regardless of what is put into the water water system, ie human blood from the deceased with or without cancer, used medications, excrement from everyone that carries cancer, bleachers to hide fecal coloform matter.
I realize it is just a conspiracy theory but what if this was a mechanism to keep people from getting older and increasing medical costs, Medicare expense and to lessen government outlays in order to control a ever-tightening budget.
Very, very true. I believe it and everything sprayed with chemicals and pills and vaccines are nothing but chemical.
My husband had squamous cell carcinoma at stage 4. He was on herbal treatments and then he ended up with radiation and chemo that nearly killed him 3 times..he quit and went back on herbal natural treatment and did a natural week long fasting. No more blood pressure pills in a year..THE CANCER IS GONE CHANGING EATING...NO SUGAR, NO RED MEAT. NO DAIRY..he doesn't smoke or drink alcohol and no soda pop...all this is both of us..good salads, water with lemon, healthy protein drinks every morning and good vitamins.
Eat and live healthy...fda and pharmaceutical want nothinng but money. Chemo helps cancer grow and your immune system is gone. Money for cancer is ridiculously high and money is all they want..the root of evil.
People can be healthy...if that is what they truly want and stick with it.
You made good points but there is a big one you missed. The effect DDT had. Studies have shown a fairly direct connection to breast cancer. In addition cancer in general is higher in area that were frequently sprayed. Such as North Dakota where my family is from, so far both my grandmother and mother had breast cancer, and my aunt from that side has recently gotten lucemia.
And the spraying of DDT effected everyone since it was in the food, both the plants and meats through the feed. In addition it is shown to be passed down atleast 4 generations so far.
Personally I wasn’t surprised when I confermed it considering what it did to the animals, espesially since it took around 30 years for the birds and fireflies to really bounce back. I can say this since I asked my mother who was born around the time they stopped spraying and had a small farm directly next to a farm that regularly sprayed DDT.