Gelatin (also known as cooked collagen) is a wonder food with both anti-inflammatory and anti-aging qualities; it also helps to fill in the missing ...
Blog Post Archive
Below you can find all the posts on the Butter Nutrition blog. But, if you're looking for something more specific, you can choose a category below to better filter your results:
5 Ways to Prevent Age Spots
Age spots, also called lipofuscin or liver spots don’t have to come with aging. Preventing them is just as easy as changing your diet. According ...
Double Chocolate Muffins
Here's a super-quick gluten free muffin recipe that will give you a solid source of protein, fat and carbs for your busy lifestyle! ...
Summer Squash Gratin
It’s summer squash season, and I've grown an abundance of them in my garden this year. In an attempt to let none go unused, I've been making this very ...
Flourless Red Velvet Beet Brownies
It's time for yet another beet recipe! These are nutrient dense beet brownies packed with pastured butter, beetroot, collagen, and pastured eggs. ...
10 Things NOT To Do When You're Trying To Lose Weight (#2 fools everyone!)
Today I'm continuing my weight loss series. If you missed the first two posts, you can find them here and here. 1) You're Trying to 'Trick' Your Body ...
Beet Juice Simple Syrup
If you've been following the blog for a while now, you may already know that I would much rather embrace a little bit of sugar as an easy to digest ...
Gluten Free Beet Pancakes
I've got an abundance of beets in my garden right now. So many in fact, that I can’t find enough creative ways to use them fast enough! So embrace and ...
Is Butter Bad? The Truth About Butter
When it comes to fat, it’s all about the butter (in my world at least)! But are there things you don’t know about America’s favorite saturated fat? 1) ...
How To Make Your Own Happy Lamp for Light Therapy
If you didn't already know, I live in Seattle which becomes pretty dark and gloomy for about 70% of the year. That means the winters can be pretty dark, ...
The most IGNORED factor in weight loss — Is it sabotaging you?
Stress impacts weight loss for a number of reasons... You see, your body has two modes of operation: the parasympathetic (relaxed) nervous ...
4 Reasons You're Not Losing Weight
Have you changed your diet but you are still not losing weight? Today I'm sharing the most common reasons I find that my clients are still not losing ...
Easy Caramel Sauce
Caramel Sauce: 6 tablespoons coconut palm sugar (like this) 1/3 cup coconut milk (like this) 2 tablespoons water 1/2 teaspoon vanilla pinch of ...
Salted Caramel Ice Cream (coconut style)
Today I'm sharing my salted caramel ice cream with a coconut twist! Using palm sugar in this recipe is important since it contributes to the caramel ...
5 Reasons Why I Won't Do a Sugar Detox
You hear about avoiding sugar everywhere these days. From magazine pages to grocery store shelves to Facebook memes, it's posh to avoid your sugar ...
Fruit Snacks: Sweet and Sour Protein Bites
Need a quick snack on the go? These all natural, protein-rich fruit snacks are for you! Ingredients: ½ cup fresh lemon juice (from about 2 large ...
Butter Chicken
I love Indian food, and surprise-surprise butter chicken is one of my favorite dishes! So cook up this silky butter chicken recipe stat-- you'll be ...
Coconut Milk Ice Cream: Anti-stress Double Chocolate
Just because you can't do dairy doesn't mean you have to avoid ice cream! Meet my favorite coconut milk ice cream recipe: Anti-stress Double Chocolate. ...
Simple And Healthy Swaps That Should Be Common Sense (but aren't!)
Some things should be common sense, but sadly, they are not, because of mainstream media brainwashing and altering your perception. Your body has ...
5 Ways to Use Eggshell Calcium Around Your Home
Don't throw your eggshells out, experiment with how to use them around your home! Ways to use eggshell calcium: Use it as an abrasive element to ...
17 Signs of Impaired Liver Detox
Your monthly cycle (length, symptoms) is a report card for your liver. Pregnancy is a stress test on your liver. Your gut health is a reflection of ...
8 Tips to get better sleep TONIGHT (no pills included)
Insomnia is your worst nightmare. The ability to get sound, undisturbed, restful sleep is essential to cognitive function, cell renewal, hormonal ...
Have this STRANGE drink every day and see what happens... [warning: it's highly addictive]
The nutritional benefits of gelatin containing bone broth are astounding, but I will try to make this [fairly] brief. Gelatin is the protein ...
Why I Threw Away Thousands of Dollars in Supplements
Are you a supplement chaser? Do you feel compelled to continue trying more and more supplements, hoping to find the holy grail of health? The truth is, ...
12 Signs You're Drowning in Nutritional Debt (#1 is WAY too common)!
How healthy is your bank account? And by bank account, of course I mean your nutritional bank account. Take a peek at the lists ...
17 Warning Signs Of Poor Digestion That Everyone Ignores!
There's not much worse than chronic bloating, which leaves feelings of heaviness and unease in your stomach for hours on end. You know, the kind ...
Are you moody, irritable and anxious all the time? The reason could be crazy simple!
While blood sugar is not the most exciting topic, it sure does have a huge impact on how you feel throughout the day and how you sleep, not to mention ...
How much protein do you need? 11 Signs You're NOT Getting Enough Protein!
Are you getting enough protein? There is a good chance that you are not! Here’s 11 ways that your body can hint that you just aren’t getting enough ...
The Liver: Your Most Important Fat Burning Organ!
Proper liver function is critical for a healthy body (and a healthy body is crucial for weight loss) The liver performs over 400 functions, but one of ...
Make-It-Yourself Liquid Multivitamin
If you've been reading the blog for some time, you'll know I'm not at all a fan of typical multivitamin supplements. Namely because of what is in them, ...
Supercharged Sea Salt With Dulse For Thyroid Support
There are so many natural ways to support thyroid health. On the top of my list is a pro-thyroid diet along with addressing the gut-liver axis, and ...
DIY Liver Supplements
If you've found yourself in nutritional debt and you need help getting out or you just want to maintain excellent nutrition, then eating liver can help ...
Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe
Commercial mayo is full of processed man made oils. This is a quick, healthy coconut oil mayonnaise recipe you will love! PIN IT: ...
Raw Milk Ice Cream
This raw milk ice cream recipe is so satisfying and nutritious! I often use it as a dinner substitute when I am too lazy to cook. Note: This is a ...
Are you silently sick? 11 Quick At-Home Tests Reveal How Healthy You Really Are!
Are you curious about your own nutritional strengths/weaknesses? Below are just a few common clues your body gives you: Pale lower inner eyelid/pale ...
13 Signs Of Fatty Acid Deficiency
Got fat? I'm sure you eat fat, but are you eating the right kind of fats to create the right ratio of fats in your body? You know, the right fat ...
Cauliflower Pizza Crust
I LOVE pizza-- who doesn't? This recipe pizza recipe is made with a cauliflower pizza crust and is the perfect mix of calcium, protein and ...
The Best Gluten Free Crepes (sweet eggs)
These grain free and gluten free crepes are the perfect mix of protein, satisfying fat, and easy to digest carbohydrates. They are also a favorite ...
9 Food Cravings You Should Never Ignore
Who doesn't have food cravings? Whether it's hormones, pregnancy, or emotionally induced, your brain knows what your body needs! However, in this ...